Home GoPro How to reset the GoPro Hero 5, Hero 6, and Hero 7 WiFi Password

How to reset the GoPro Hero 5, Hero 6, and Hero 7 WiFi Password

How to reset the GoPro Hero 5, Hero 6, and Hero 7 WiFi Password

This tutorial shows you how to reset the GoPro Hero 5, Hero 6, and Hero 7 (Hero+ and Hero 2018) Session WiFi password. Resetting the password is slightly different between Hero 5/6 and 7 cameras.

GoPro Hero 5 and Hero 6

First, swipe down the touch screen:


Then select Reset Connections:

Select RESET:The GoPro camera will now reboot and assign a new WiFi password to the camera.


GoPro Hero 7

This part shows the resetting process for the GoPro Hero 7 White Edition, Hero 7 Silver Edition, Hero 7 Black Edition, as well as the Hero+ and the Hero 2018.

First, swipe down the touch screen:

Select Preferences:

Then select Connections:

Select Reset Connections:

Confirm the dialog by pressing the Reset button:

The camera will now reboot and assign a new WiFi password to the camera.





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