This article describes tools for replacing the GoPro Quik and GoPro Studio software. Both GoPro apps have been discontinued on desktop platforms and do not (properly) work anymore with the latest GoPro models.
Fortunately great alternative apps exist which allow you to use your GoPro from a Mac, desktop PC, and Raspberry Pi. Most tools are also available for Android and iOS.
The following tools are references in this article:
- Camera Tools: Available for Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, and Raspberry Pi. This app supports camera remote control via Bluetooth, live preview, and media download.
- Camera Suite: Available for Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, and Raspberry Pi. This app supports camera remote control via WiFi, live preview, and media download. The Camera Suite app is only recommended if you are using an old camera (e.g. a Hero 3 or 4) or if you do not have a Bluetooth adapter.
- Live Streamer: Available for Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, and Raspberry Pi. This app allows you to use the GoPro Hero live streaming mode for live streaming to YouTube, Twitch and other services.
- Webcam Tool: Available for macOS and Windows. This app allows you to use your GoPro camera as a WiFi webcam.
- GoWatch: Available for Apple WatchOS. This app allows you to control your GoPro camera from an Apple Watch.
The following sections describe different use cases and the best software for each use case.
Use case: How to show the GoPro camera live video preview.
The live video preview is always transmitted via WiFi. Both, the Camera Tools and the Camera Suite app can be used for live video preview.
Note: Live video preview does not work during video recording for Hero 8 and newer models. This is a camera restriction which cannot be circumvented.
Use case: How to activate Protune.
Protune can be activated with the Camera Tools and the Camera Suite app.
Use case: How to change camera settings such as frame rate, resolution, Protune, etc.
Camera settings can be changed with the Camera Tools, the Camera Suite, and the GoWatch app.
Use case: How to change the GoPro camera mode or camera preset.
The camera mode (video, photo, multi-shot) can be changed with the Camera Tools, the Camera Suite, and the GoWatch app. Camera presets, which are available with Hero 8 and newer models, can be changed with the Camera Tools and the GoWatch app.
Use case: How to download photos and videos from the GoPro camera.
Media, such as photos and videos, is always download via WiFi. Both, the Camera Tools and the Camera Suite app can be used for downloading media from your GoPro camera.
Use case: How to live stream to YouTube from your GoPro camera.
The Live Streamer app can be used for live streaming from one or multiple GoPro cameras.
Use case: How to control your GoPro camera from an Apple Watch.
The GoWatch app can be used for controlling GoPro Hero 5 and newer cameras from an Apple Watch.
Use case: How to capture long time-lapse series with a GoPro camera.
The Camera Tools app can be used for capturing long time-lapse photos and videos using either the built-in time-lapse tool, or the scripting language.
Use case: How to use my GoPro camera as a webcam.
The Webcam Tool can used for using a GoPro camera as a WiFi webcam.